Great Posts and Interesting Discussions
from alt.fan.pernDo all dragon names end in th?
Sariel's comments about posts are added in
AliCat, 9/10/98
Do all dragon names end with "th"? If
not, please site an example! (I've just been wondering, that's all!) [with
the exception of typos, yes!]
Elizabeth, 9/10/98
Unfortunately I cannot remember the dragon's name, but there
was one instance in D1 (Dragonflight) where a dragon's name not only did not
end in -th, but contained the dragonrider's honorific of the apostrophe. It's not
listed in the Dragondex nor in DLG2's index, primarily because it was, I am sure, an
[These are two separate instances, actually. Monarth was once
mispelled as Monarch in the short story "Girl Who Heard Dragons." In
Moreta, there is A'dan's green dragon, whose name is alternately written as T'grath and
Tigrath (each way appears twice). My explanation for this is that it was shortened
for speed while the name was spoken (the slurred version always appeared in dialogue),
which is how the rider honorifics originated, anyway.]
William Hughes, 9/10/98
Yep, all of 'em do. It'th becauthe dragonth have forked
tongueth -- cautheth them to lithp. :)