Introduction to Pern

Basic Book Information
           · Book & Story Listing
           · Chronological Order
           · Suggested Reading Order
           · Excerpts
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Sariel's Minor Morsels
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           · Arrhenius? Eureka!
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           · Zoey's Page
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Things to Do, See, or Get
           · Introduction to Pern Fandom
           · Introduction to
           · Introduction to DragonCon
              · DragonCon 2001 Pictures
              · DragonCon 2000 Info
              · DragonCon 2000 Pictures
              · DragonCon 1999 Info
              · DragonCon 1999 Pictures
           · Sariel's Trivia Match Game
           · Masterharper of Pern CD
           · Pern or Dragon Merchandise

Standard Site Stuff
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   The Many Works of AMC

   A Meeting of Minds

   McCaffrey Quest

   Sariel's AMC Bookstore

   Pern Museum & Archives

Suggested Reading Order
for first-time readers

Everyone has their own opinion on the order a first-timer should read the series - quite often suggesting the order they themselves first discovered the books.  Anne McCaffrey herself has always suggested reading them in publication order, which I endorse for the earliest books, with perhaps a little modification for the later ones.  The order you first read the books can really shape your view of the series, and which of the somewhat contradictory events you view as most "accurate."  Because the world of Pern developed and evolved as Anne wrote more and more about it, I think it's good to begin where Anne did so you can see for yourself how and why the evolution occurred--that way you're less likely to get annoyed with the inconsistencies.  After that, when you're ready to read them again (as most fans are!), you can try them in chronological order if you prefer.

My suggested order allows for some variation, which will be helpful if you can't get your hands on the book in an exact order - as is often the case whether they come from the library or a bookstore.

  1. Dragonflight
  2. Dragonquest
  3. Dragonsong
  4. Dragonsinger
  5. Dragondrums
  6. The White Dragon (any time after 2)
  7. Moreta
  8. Nerilka's Story
  9. Dragonsdawn
  10. The Chronicles of Pern
  11. "The Impression" (any time after 4)
  12. "Smallest Dragonboy"  (any time after 5)
  13. "Girl Who Heard Dragons"
  14. The Renegades of Pern
  15. All the Weyrs of Pern
  16. The Dolphins of Pern
  17. Dragonseye  (any time after 10)
  18. The Masterharper of Pern  (any time after 6)
  19. "Runner of Pern"  (any time after 1)
  20. The Skies of Pern (any time after 16)
  21. "Ever the Twain" (any time after 17)
  22. Dragon's Kin (any time after 17)
  23.  "Beyond Between" (any time after 8)
  24. Dragonsblood (any time after 22)
  25. Dragon's Fire (any time after 22)
  26. Dragon Harper


Site created and maintained by Cheryl B. Miller, copyright © 1998-2007, all rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007,
all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.