Character Bases
Several of Anne's characters are based on or named for real people (some
physically, some personality-wise). For the interested, I thought I'd list
all I know about here. And if I've missed anyone, please let me know
[email address at bottom].
The list is arranged alphabetically by character's
first name.
Bernard Shattuck,
Captain of the Mayflower, "Dolphin's Bell"
Named for Anne's friend Bernard Shattuck who was a first mate on a trawler (but
working towards captaincy) when Anne met him. Bernard coincidentally looks like
the picture of F'nor on
the Dragonquest cover done by Gino D'Achille. (Source:
Brand, Warder of Ruatha,
The White Dragon
Based on Robin Wood's friend Zach. (Source: People of Pern
Clisser, Head Teacher
at the Fort College, Dragonseye/Red Star Rising
Named for Anne's friend Dieter Clissmann, who answers her cries for
help with computers. (Source: Dragonseye dedication)
Corana, Jaxom's
girlfriend, The White Dragon
Based on Robin Wood's friend Stacia (somewhat altered). (Source:
People of Pern intro)
Danja, violinist,
Dragonseye/Red Star Rising
Possibly named for Tania Opland, one of the musicians responsible for the
Masterharper of Pern CD. (Source: None! Pure speculation!)
Dieter Clissmann,
computer engineer, Dragonsdawn
Named for Anne's friend Dieter Clissmann, who answers her cries for
help with computers. (Source: Dragonseye dedication)
Finder, Rutha Hold Harper, The White
Named for Anne's friend Jan Howard Finder (note that's Finn-der not
Fine-der!), whom she met at a scifi con in 1974. Anne later
contributed a short poem to a book he put together called Finder's
Guide to Austraterrestrials. (Source:
Correspondence with J.H. Finder)
Not based on, but bears an uncanny resemblance to Anne's local
supermarket manager! Must be fun to shop there! (Source: People of
Pern intro)
Elimona, Journeywoman
Harper, All the Weyrs of Pern
Named for science-fiction writer Elizabeth Moon, with whom Anne has
collaborated, and who actually wrote the song credited to Harper Elimona in this
novel. (Source: All the Weyrs of Pern acknowledgements)
Gollagee, tenor,
Dragonseye/Red Star Rising
Named for Anne's dear friend John Greene, who died mysteriously in France.
For more info see Jayge Lilcamp. (Source: Anne's webpage photo album.)
Jan Regan, dolphineer,
"Dolphin's Bell"
Named for Anne's late friend Jan Regan (on the right). (Source:
People of Pern intro & Anne's webpage photo album)
Based on Anne's son Todd McCaffrey Johnson, who is an author.
He's written a few of his own books, plus the "training" section in DLG,
and is currently working on a guide to the literary development of Pern. Anne
has authorized Todd (and no one else!) to write about Pern once she's gone
(sniff, sniff!). (Source: People of Pern intro)
Jayge Lilcamp,
Renegades of Pern
Named for Anne's dear friend John Greene, who died mysteriously in France.
Starting with Renegades of Pern, Anne has included John as a (usually
minor) character under some variation of his name. Renegades was
dedicated to him. I'm planning on eventually compiling all his appearances, but
it's probably more fun to find them on your own. (Source: Anne's webpage
photo album.)
Johnny Greene,
Dragonsdawn, "Dolphin's Bell"
Named for Anne's dear friend John Greene, who died mysteriously in France.
For more info see Jayge Lilcamp. (Source: Anne's webpage photo album.)
John Greene, marine
commander, "Rescue Run"
Named for Anne's dear friend John Greene, who died mysteriously in
France. For more info see Jayge Lilcamp. (Source: Anne's webpage photo
Kitti Ping Yung,
Named for Anne's sister-in-law, Kitty Ping Yung McCaffrey (on the
left). (Source: Anne's webpage photo album)
K'van, "The Smallest
Based on Anne's brother Kevin McCaffrey, for his courage in
facing the disease osteomyelitis as a teenager. (Source: Anne's
webpage photo album)
Based on Anne's late friend Jan Regan (on the right).
(Source: People of Pern intro & Anne's webpage photo album)
Based on Derval Diamond, who is Anne's stable manager.
(Source: People of Pern intro & Anne's webpage photo album)
Merelan, Mastersinger,
mother of Robinton, Masterharper of Pern
Not named for Marilyn Alm, as I previously postulated. Merelan was created
in Dragonsong, before Anne had met Marilyn. Marilyn & Harry Alm help Anne to
keep Pern history straightened out in new books, and they created the original
Threadfall charts. (Source: Marilyn--I met her at DragonCon!)
Based on Anne's daughter, Georgeanne (Gigi) Johnson (in the
wedding dress!). (Source: People of Pern intro)
Based on Frederick H. Robinson a good friend of Anne's. He was
the opera stage director in Lancaster, PA . (Source: Dragondrums
dedication and Dragonholder)
last updated: 8/12/00 |