Introduction to Pern

Basic Book Information
           · Book & Story Listing
           · Chronological Order
           · Suggested Reading Order
           · Excerpts
           · DLG Version Differences
           · Book News

Sariel's Fab Features
           · Major Events Timeline
           · Cast of Pern
           · Character Bases
           · DLG Errata

Sariel's Minor Morsels
           · The Real Rukbat
           · Arrhenius? Eureka!
           · Artist Colin Saxton
           · People of Pern cover
           · Select Discussions
           · Story & Name Differences
           · Insights & Observations
           · Random Tidbits
           · Past Poll Results
           · Sariel's Mastery
           · Zoey's Page
           · TV/Movie News
           · Game News

Things to Do, See, or Get
           · Introduction to Pern Fandom
           · Introduction to
           · Introduction to DragonCon
              · DragonCon 2001 Pictures
              · DragonCon 2000 Info
              · DragonCon 2000 Pictures
              · DragonCon 1999 Info
              · DragonCon 1999 Pictures
           · Sariel's Trivia Match Game
           · Masterharper of Pern CD
           · Pern or Dragon Merchandise

Standard Site Stuff
           · Welcome
           · Site News
           · About Sariel
           · Site History & Credits
           · Organized Link List

           · Webrings

   The Many Works of AMC

   A Meeting of Minds

   McCaffrey Quest

   Sariel's AMC Bookstore

   Pern Museum & Archives

Site News

As you can see, my site has gone through a redesign.  I decided that as a modern Pernese archivist, it was about time I took my site off of hide and onto the nice, smooth woodpulp pages that Bendarek's new Paper Hall produces.  Out of nostalgia, though, I asked for sheets tinted as hide.

As part of the redesign, I decided it was time to do away with frames, as well as a few other minor pages such as the guestbook and awards page.  Those things were all "cool" when I last redesigned the site, but they are now somewhat passé.  Also, as part of the redesign you'll find that the table of contents has been rearranged and reordered, but most everything is still there somewhere.

I've added links to a number of newly found (but not necessarily newly conducted) interviews.

Another year has passed, and I've decided it's time to clean up dead links and find the new addresses of sites that have moved.  I won't list which pages have been updated unless I add a truly new link - removed links make for really useless news!

Minor updates made to:  Book and Story Listing, Excerpts, Chronological OrderOrganized Link List

Oh, and for anyone that was wondering, my twins were born on September 29 last year.  They have their own website full of photographs.  I think they may just be the most photographed babies ever!


Site News Archives

Site created and maintained by Cheryl B. Miller, copyright © 1998-2007, all rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007,
all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.