The Real Rukbat!
Astronomer Steven Beard is working on a starmap of Pern's sky, which I think will be published in conjunction with the forthcoming Skies of Pern book (in April 2001). Our sun is not visible with the naked eye from Pern, but should be visible with a telescope or binoculars. Most of our constellations are not found in the same configuration in Pern's skies, but Steven says that Orion and the Southern Cross are recognizable. Below is a image of star chart from a shareware program called Skymap, to help you learn where in the sky to look for Rukbat. Sagittarius is a summer constellation (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere). If your latitude is above 50 North, Rukbat won't appear above the horizon. Eventually I find a link to a star chart to tell you where Sagittarius is on different days & times. For now I've just got one specific date; Midnight, July 1st: Face directly south if you live in the northern hemisphere or between the equator and 40° south. If you live below 40° south, face due north. And if you're at 40° south, look straight up!
Below is an actual photograph of the sky in this general location. It's rotated a little clockwise from the star chart. Can you identify Rukbat? If you position your mouse on Rukbat the arrow will change to a pointing hand.
Now try to find Rukbat on this photo, showing the Milky Way
and Sagittarius
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