Introduction to Pern

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Story & Name Differences

last addition:  3/7/99

Amazingly, there are some differences between the versions of the stories published by different companies.  Even more amazingly, I have tracked down one of these differences - with the help of my friend Anneli.  If we ever uncover any more changes between editions, they'll be posted here!
There are also differences between the spellings of names in different versions, and many characters which are not given names in US versions are in the UK; I will also (eventually) include that info here.

"Second Weyr," Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
copyright © 1993 by Anne McCaffrey
the following excerpts occur about three fifths into the story, at the start of the section where Torene is going to Telgar Hold to visit her parents.

Bantam and Corgi editions (UK) DelRey edition (US)
paperback page 180 paperback page 191
bookclub ed. page 143
"She asked the watchdragon to wake her at daybreak Telgar time. She wanted to get there before their workday started or she'd have to drag her parents back from a mine-face. Tarvi Telgar drove his people as much as he drove himself.

"'To forget Sallah', her mother had once told her daughter, her face drawn down in mournful lines.

"'Everyone knows that', Torene replied, but she'd been little more than nine or ten when she asked why Telgar worked such long hours, esepcially when that deprived her of her parents' company.

"'Ah, but dushka', her father had said in his deepway-down bass voice, 'not as he knows it and lives with it. Eh, Sonja?' Volodya Ostrovsky would cast a knowing glance at his wife and fellow mining engineer.

"'To us the tragedy is that it is after that he realized that she was the jewel she was', Sonja replied, her voice doleful. her mother's expressive face and voice had always fascinated Torene: she ran such a gamut of emotions throughout a day.

"That morning Torene and Alaranth arrived at her parents' cavern just as Sonja was pouring Klah and, to her daughter's astonishment, she was pouring it into three cups."

"The next morning, having asked the watchdragon to wake her at daybreak, Telgar time, Torene arrived at her parents' cavern just as Sonja was pouring Klah and, to her daughter's astonishment, she was pouring it into three cups, and there was a third bowl of steaming porrige set at the table." 


"Survey P.E.R.N.c," Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
copyright © 1993 by Anne McCaffrey
the following excerpt occurs about halfway through the story, on the first day of surveying.  There is an extra sentence in the UK version, which appears red below.

Bantam and Corgi editions (UK) DelRey edition (US)
paperback page 18 paperback page 10
bookclub page 8
"They took several deep cores in the rich soils of the southern plains and grassslands and, with more effort, drove rock-sampling cores.  Asturias had been the team palaeontologist but they'd have his notes back on the ship to guide their report.   Inland and south they went, to points which had shown possible ore sites, though the initial metallurgy probe readings did not suggest that the planet had any easily accessible ore or mineral wealth.  They made their first nightfall on a vast headland poking north, on the sands of a great cove."


Site created and maintained by Cheryl B. Miller, copyright © 1998-2007, all rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007,
all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.