Pern Game News
The game was released many many months ago. From what I've heard from
those that have played it, it's not horrible but not spectacular either.
There is a discussion forum for trouble-shooting and hints on
KT bulletin board.
The release date of the game keeps shifting back and back in time.
Currently Amazon has the release date listed as 7/17/01, but I won't believe it
until I see it; we've passed many previous release dates that Amazon has
had. Similar dates can be found on Barnes&Noble's site.
There is a really cool preview
of the game online [no longer available], which includes the game's introductory movie clip.
In an
posted at scifi.com, Ollie says it should be ready for a Christmastime
release. I'm quite hopeful, but not yet banking on it. The
soundtrack for the game is apparently done and Ollie says it's similar to
Braveheart. Ollie been posting info about the game at ignvault in the form
of a design diary; there's a
from 8/22, a
from 8/29, and
one from 9/26. He seems pretty excited about it and seems to know it
must be true to Pern for us fans to like it - but he worries me with some the
locations he mentions (rotting dungeons and mystical temples).
I was really impressed at their
presentation at DragonCon 1999, but having seen a presentation at this year's
DragonCon by Red Storm on
First Resistance (based on McCaffrey's Freedom series, also due for winter
2000 release), I've found that Ubi Studios talks a lot of hype without sharing
much of the substance behind it. Now I'm not saying that I think this game
will be bad, just that I'm unsure of it at this point (whereas I have high
confidence in the Freedom game).
In an interesting twist, though, Ubi
Studios has apparently acquired Red Storm Entertainment. The press
release says that Red Storm will be left to operate as an independent
subsidiary (there's an alternate press
release at Red Storm).
I should have learned lots of new
information about the game at DragonCon 2000, however the presenters from Ubi
Studios (formerly known as Grolier) failed to show up at their scheduled
time. As of yet I have not heard an explanation for their absence, and
know that the director of WeyrFest (who arranged their appearance) hasn't heard
from them either.
They have gone to other gaming
conventions in the US this year, and I'll track down the urls of reports on
their presentations soon. Meanwhile my last first-hand news comes from
The website
has not been updated since November 1999, but various people who work on the
game have made posts with more information to the message
board on the site since that time.
The new website is online now, with tons of new info and screenshots. A new Senior Producer is at the helm,
Oliver Sykes, or Ollie. Chris left for unknown reasons, but Ollie seems to be every
bit as enthusiastic and open to email from fans as others. One great feature on the
site is a couple of message boards, one for Pern in general and one specifically for
people to post about the game. The folks at Grolier do read the boards and
occasionally respond. I think the release date for the game has been pushed back to
the later half of 1999--see their site for the most up to the date info.
At the end of November, 1999, Grolier did an
interview about
the game.