The Harper Hall Hour
at Weyrfest '99

This was a largely informal and impromptu panel
hour. Weyrfest Director Anna Smith had hoped that enough amateur (or better!)
musicians among the attending Pern fans would get together and provide us with
entertainment. Her backup plan was to play the Masterharper of Pern CD for us.
Luckily enough, the very skilled Dove and Gwen came with instruments, but next year
Anna will try to make more formal arrangements with musicians in advance.
I missed the beginning of this panel, finding it
necessary to forage for food--it was lunchtime and my stomach was making demands like a
newly hatched fire-lizard. But Dove and Gwen reportedly played a couple Pern songs
to start, before dipping into Celtic and Welsh music, and taking requests to fill in the
time. All together, the mood set by the music they choose seemed wonderfully
Pernese. And Dove and Gwen did an especially good job when you consider that they'd
never played together before!
Dove Wimbish is the guitarist, and may be better
known to some by her various personas:
Harper Master Arielana of Dragonsfire Moo
Gamma, Senior Weyrwoman of Igen Weyr on Starstones Moo
Gwen Knighton, the harpist enjoys playing so much that she toted (lugged...) her standing harp
with her through the Con, and would just find a quiet corner to play in if there wasn't
anything going on to interest her. She may also be better known by her personas:
Harper Master Gaelin of Dragonsfire Moo
Senior Weyrwoman Fiona at Fort Weyr, Dragonsfire Moo
Both of these fine ladies are very nice people,
and I enjoyed talking with each at different points during the Con.
Neither picture on this page was actually taken
during the Harper Hall Hour, but they're the only shots I do have of the musicians.
