Introduction to Pern

Basic Book Information
           · Book & Story Listing
           · Chronological Order
           · Suggested Reading Order
           · Excerpts
           · DLG Version Differences
           · Book News

Sariel's Fab Features
           · Major Events Timeline
           · Cast of Pern
           · Character Bases
           · DLG Errata

Sariel's Minor Morsels
           · The Real Rukbat
           · Arrhenius? Eureka!
           · Artist Colin Saxton
           · People of Pern cover
           · Select Discussions
           · Story & Name Differences
           · Insights & Observations
           · Random Tidbits
           · Past Poll Results
           · Sariel's Mastery
           · Zoey's Page
           · TV/Movie News
           · Game News

Things to Do, See, or Get
           · Introduction to Pern Fandom
           · Introduction to
           · Introduction to DragonCon
              · DragonCon 2001 Pictures
              · DragonCon 2000 Info
              · DragonCon 2000 Pictures
              · DragonCon 1999 Info
              · DragonCon 1999 Pictures
           · Sariel's Trivia Match Game
           · Masterharper of Pern CD
           · Pern or Dragon Merchandise

Standard Site Stuff
           · Welcome
           · Site News
           · About Sariel
           · Site History & Credits
           · Organized Link List

           · Webrings

   The Many Works of AMC

   A Meeting of Minds

   McCaffrey Quest

   Sariel's AMC Bookstore

   Pern Museum & Archives

Links to Miscellaneous Pern Pages

The Pern Museum and Archives
My esteemed colleague Elrhan's site.  His main features are the Pern Encyclopedia and Pern Genealogies.  Check out the site, drop him an email, and don't forget to say hello to his green fire-lizard, Sarynth!

Rukbat 3
Jamie's Pern resource site, is beautiful as well as informative.  One of the greatest features of this site is the "Arguments" section which details some of the most widely known inconsistencies in the books along with popular fan explanations that straighten them out for the most part.

Jillian's World of Pern Site
A good all-around Pern site.  Includes an introduction to Pern; booklist with summaries; list of dragons, riders, and fire-lizards; basic info on Holds, Halls, and Weyrs; glossary; FAQ; bloopers; a quiz; and timeline.

You know you've been reading Pern too long when...

Greg Kempe has put together this detailed and hilarious list, gleaned from the newsgroup and other sources over the years.

Dragonriders of Pern®
A fairly comprehensive site from Lena.  Some of her best features include news, the Pern Purity Test, great quotes for the books, and basic rules of the Pern MU*'s.

Sabria's Guide to Online Pern
A wide range of random info, much of which pertains to fandom activities, but plenty of interest to the average Pern fan.

Meus's Page de PERN
Parlez-vous Français?  Then you'll want to see this site.  Meus's site is quite comprehensive and well organized!

last modified: 4/16/2005


Site created and maintained by Cheryl B. Miller, copyright © 1998-2007, all rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007,
all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.