Pern-Related Official Sites
Masterharper of Pern CD
A collection of music produced in conjunction with the book of the same
name. Find out about the artists and how to order it here!
Del Rey's Home Page
The home of the major U.S. publisher of Pern books. Their site has
sections detailing works-in-progress, and release dates for soon-to-be-published books.
Weyrfest at
DragonCon is a yearly science-fiction convention held in Atlanta, Georgia.
For many years, one of the programming tracks they offer is called Weyrfest, and is
(obviously) devoted to Anne McCaffrey's books, with particular attention to Pern.
Jody Lynn Nye
Author of the Dragonlover's Guide to Pern, and two independent
choose-your-adventure type books about Pern. She talks a bit about these books in
her FAQ, and has plot summaries of the books somewhere else.