Introduction to Pern

Basic Book Information
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Sariel's Minor Morsels
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           · Arrhenius? Eureka!
           · Artist Colin Saxton
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Things to Do, See, or Get
           · Introduction to Pern Fandom
           · Introduction to
           · Introduction to DragonCon
              · DragonCon 2001 Pictures
              · DragonCon 2000 Info
              · DragonCon 2000 Pictures
              · DragonCon 1999 Info
              · DragonCon 1999 Pictures
           · Sariel's Trivia Match Game
           · Masterharper of Pern CD
           · Pern or Dragon Merchandise

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   The Many Works of AMC

   A Meeting of Minds

   McCaffrey Quest

   Sariel's AMC Bookstore

   Pern Museum & Archives

Late breaking news: Hardcover UK edition of Skies of Pern to be awarded to the first contestant to submit an entry with at least 25% correct!

Entries as of 7:40 pm EST 10/20 : 6

Questions 84 - 120

The Pern Quest, the ultimate Pern Trivia Contest.  One hundred and twenty questions for the diehard Pern fan!  Pern Quest is a joint effort by Cheryl Miller (aka Sariel), 
Hans van der Boom (aka Elrhan), Anneli Conroy and Becky Skinner (aka Coelura). 
Some advice: type your answers carefully, correct spelling counts (and incorrect spelling does not)!

For the first set of questions (1 - 40) you will have to go to Coelura's Site
For the second set of questions (41-83) you will have to go to The Pern Museum and Archives

Contestants must email the answers (don't include the questions) to no later than 6 am EST (11 am GMT) on Monday October 22nd, 2001.

We wish you good luck and success!

Later 9th Pass

84. Which 4 Lord Holders heard Aivas's first telling of the colonists’ landing?

85. What song did Aivas first play for Menolly? What is the significance of this song?

86. Name the first two beings to visit the Yokohama in the Ninth Pass.

87. Is the main cargo bay of Yokohama larger or smaller than the Fort's Hatching cavern?

88. How many of Oterel's sons wished to succeed him as Lord Holder?

89. Which two new crafthalls were created mid-Ninth Pass?

90. Which queen did Ramoth call a "true daughter" to her? Who impressed this queen?

91. How and by whom was Kenjo's stash of fuel at Honshu discovered in the Ninth Pass?

92. What was the only tool that could cut open a Thread ovoid?

93. What was the project to "disimprove" Thread ovoids called by Aivas?

94. When do each of the explosions of the matter/antimatter engines occur? Be as precise as possible.

95. Who were the ringleaders behind Robinton's abduction?

96. Where does "The Tillek" live?

97. What was Swacky's favorite food dish?

98. Who diagnosed Durras?

99. Which bell sequence for dolphins is less urgent than the "report sequence"?

100. What is the name of the younger brother of young Readis?

General Pern Questions

101. What was the first Pern story ever published, and when was it published (month and year)?

102. Which book includes the novella "A Time When"?

103. What book was the very first science fiction book to hit the New York Times Bestseller list?

104. What story won the Nebula Award?

105. Who named wherries?

106. Who were the first dragon and rider to ever go between together?

107. Who was the second person to be in charge of Fort Hold?

108. Which river separates Tillek from High Reaches Hold?

109. Eating what causes convulsions in a runner-beast?

110. What is meant by "stone-clean Hold"?

111. The color white in a firelizard's eyes signifies what?

112. What is the name of the large trees growing in Southern; from which large wooden drums can be made?

113. What do dolphins do around the turn of the year/Turn and where?


114. Who said "Dragons make useful go-betweens"?

115. Who was relieved that Tubberman had sent the homing capsule? Saying, "Now there is no blame to us."?

116. Who said, "They've actually fought Thread, just as you dreamed they would,..."?

117. Who said, "The Hold's honors are due the Fort Weyrwoman."?

118. Who said "the dragons confer honor where they will"?

119. Who used to say "The worst storm throws up some wood on the beach"?

120. At what occasion did Kylara say "She ate Thread yesterday at the High Reaches…?"

For the first set of questions (1 - 40) you will have to go to Coelura's Site
For the second set of questions (41-83) you will have to go to The Pern Museum and Archives

Contestants must email the answers (don't include the questions) to no later than 6 am EST (11 am GMT) on Monday October 22nd, 2001.

Winners will be notified as soon as we've scored all the entries.


Site created and maintained by Cheryl B. Miller, copyright © 1998-2007, all rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007,
all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.