Introduction to Pern

Basic Book Information
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Sariel's Fab Features
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           · Cast of Pern
           · Character Bases
           · DLG Errata

Sariel's Minor Morsels
           · The Real Rukbat
           · Arrhenius? Eureka!
           · Artist Colin Saxton
           · People of Pern cover
           · Select Discussions
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           · Random Tidbits
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           · Sariel's Mastery
           · Zoey's Page
           · TV/Movie News
           · Game News

Things to Do, See, or Get
           · Introduction to Pern Fandom
           · Introduction to
           · Introduction to DragonCon
              · DragonCon 2001 Pictures
              · DragonCon 2000 Info
              · DragonCon 2000 Pictures
              · DragonCon 1999 Info
              · DragonCon 1999 Pictures
           · Sariel's Trivia Match Game
           · Masterharper of Pern CD
           · Pern or Dragon Merchandise

Standard Site Stuff
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           · About Sariel
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           · Webrings

   The Many Works of AMC

   A Meeting of Minds

   McCaffrey Quest

   Sariel's AMC Bookstore

   Pern Museum & Archives

Pictures from DragonCon 2001

Panels        Costumes        KT/KTL folks        Drum Circle        Misc.

Tina, better known as Brina

John and Angele

Michael, better known as Sokar, came all the way from England for a good cup of klah.

Jason, better known as C'jun, didn't have far at all to come, and we're glad his wife let him escape for a day!

Thomas, better known as Corsaith, stands proudly in front of the Cibyren Weyr flag.

We didn't see much of Caryn as she hid away in the writing track, but she did pop in once.

Arwyn happily clutches her bag of Godiva chocolates, a thoughtful present from C'jun.

Erin, better known as etidwell (KT) and Catlin (KTL)

John hated to have his picture taken, so of course I took every opportunity! Actually this was a picture of something else entirely, but I spotted John and Angele in the corner and blew them up.

Brina dreams up plots for Cibyren.

Apprentice archivist R'jor (aka Corsaith) bows down to Master Sariel.

Ah, some hostly togetherness!  John, Cheryl, and Brina.

Site created and maintained by Cheryl B. Miller, copyright © 1998-2007, all rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007,
all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.