As usual, Anna kicked off the Pern part of D*Con with "Welcome to
Weyrfest". This may be the last year of such a welcome, however, as
next year the track is being revamped to include all of Anne's worlds. |

Next up was "Pern Fandom: What is it and how do I play?" lead by Monica,
Kelli, and Tina. |

Skipping ahead we have "All that Glitters". Keri, Lisa, and Monica
let us know that having a gold or a bronze is not just all fun and games,
it's Work! |

The Not Ready for Journeymen Players treated us to a fine portrayal of a
goldrider candidates class. In the back we have Natalie, (eek I missed
a name, help anyone?) , Travis, Angel, Lor, and Megan; in front are Cissy,
Lisa, and Cherie.
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Teri, the filker performed for us at the Harper Hall hour. She has
an amazing number of songs about Canth. Care to guess her favorite dragon?
Her firelizard CB is a brown of course! |

The Hatching Sands prizes, donated by a number of fabulous
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? and Peter lead the panel about Handfasting. After the
informational portion we were treated to a real handfasting ceremony, much
to Esther's surprise.
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After the women's costume contest, we contestants came back in the room
doing a congo line. Not to be outdone, the men treated us to a lovely
show of legs a la Rockettes.
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